
Photoshoot - RAF Donna Nook, Grey Seals

Who'd of thought that a salt marsh in Lincolnshire close to North Somercotes, regularly being used by the Royal Air Force as a bombing practice ground would be home to over 3,500 grey seals each year?

Between the months of November and December, the Donna Nook Nature Reserve becomes one of the largest breeding colonies of grey seals. Containing nearly 39% of the world's population of grey seals, over 1,000 pups are born annually. The seals are attracted to Donna Nook because of the food, space and safety it provides.

Unsurprisingly, this spectacle attracts visitors from all across the UK. Hannah and I embarked on the 7 hour return journey, covering nearly 300 miles in one day to enjoy this magnificent natural event.

Being in such close proximity to the seals, it's important to remember and respect that these are wild animals. It's enthralling to watch and capture the natural behaviour between Britain's biggest land mammal, as the bulls (males) fight for territory and cows (females) feed and protect their young.

Although a telephoto lens is desirable, it isn't necessary with the seals being very close by. A monopod comes in handy, and there are plenty of places to photograph from. A truly natural and wonderful sight to behold, Hannah and I are already looking forward to our next visit to these adorable creatures.

For more information on Donna Nook and the grey seals check out the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust website, or leave me a comment/question below :)

The above images are a brief selection of what Hannah and I took on the day, a full gallery will be available shortly.