
Stock - How to turn your kitchen into a war zone...

All in 3 easy steps: 1) Taken a inspired photographer who has just spent hours browsing Flickr.

2) Pop to the local supermarket and buy a wealth of supplies to throw into various liquids.

3) Stand in your kitchen without  a care in the world for the amount of mess you've just made up the wall....Marvellous!

One thing I was always taught as a child was not to play with my food, but when it's this much fun you just have to...

It's been done a thousand times before, but this afternoon I thought I would turn the kitchen into a what can only be described as a war zone. I blame FlickR for being such an inspirational source of media. (Good job I don't live at home anymore, else I think my mother might have killed me with the amount mess I generated)

It was almost as much fun taking the pictures, as it was eating the delicious fruit afterwards. For the full gallery, please click here.