
Location - Corfe Castle, Dorset

5:30am...Hannah Couzens, James Pardon and I find ourselves trecking up a deceptively steep hill using our tripods as some sort of  'ice axe'. All in the name of photography and getting a great picture. Using 'The 'The Photographs Ephemeris' iPhone app, we chose our vantage point on a neighbouring hill on which to capture a sunrise shot of Corfe Castle.

It's been a busy old week, preparing for our South Africa trip on Tuesday. Because of this i've only managed to take a look at one shot from today. Unfortunately the day started out rather overcast, with a bleak sunrise. 25 minutes into the sunrise and the clouds briefly broke letting this glorious light pour over the castle in a hazey manner.

Corfe Castle, Dorset

Should have a few more uploads to come, along with some from the neighbouring town of Swanage and a great shot of a broken down pier. Keep an eye out on FlickR for an update shortly. For now, i'm off to pack for South Africa! Yeeehaww!